Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

 Ethical/Legal Considerations:

All manuscript that are submitted to the Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health should be original work and not be published or under consideration for publication in other journals. Exceptions are abstract or preliminary reports and preprints. In these circumstances, authors should declare the existence of preprint, seminar abstract etc. in the cover letter. Regarding preprints, the preprint manuscript should not have been officially peer reviewed prior to submission to the Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health. Further guidelines regarding preprints could be accessed at:

All authors are responsible for the validity of the work. The journal will assess the validity and review manuscripts for all possible errors and flaws but this does not exempt authors from their responsibility. The journal, its editorial board, and publisher will not be responsible in terms of any breach in legal or ethical concerns by the authors.

All submitted manuscripts will receive a unique manuscript number, which will be used to refer to the manuscript in later stages of review and publications. Authors are advised to use this number when referring to their manuscript in their enquiries.

All submitted manuscripts will checks for plagiarism with "iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Software", before acceptance. The acceptable percentage of similarity report for the JNFH is under 20%.

The Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health uses the COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for ethics and malpractice statements that pertain to all publication parties, including the editorial board, reviewers, and authors.

All clinical trials submitted to the Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health should have received Ethical Approval from a legitimate ethics committee.

 Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health supported and uses COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics) guidelines for all editorial and ethical principles.


  Patient anonymity and informed consent:

 Authors are responsible for maintain the confidentiality of participants’/patients’ information. Authors should verify that they followed their institutional experimental investigation with human subjects guidelines and obtained informed consent from participants/patients before starting the study. The institutional review board (IRB) or its equivalent (e.g., Research Ethics Board) of the institution where the study was performed should have approved the study protocol for submitted manuscripts. All authors should declare that a written release consent was obtained for publishing names or photographs of participants/patients and submit the release consent to the journal as part of the submission requirements.


  Conflicts of Interest:

When submitting the manuscript, all information about financial or other sources of conflicts of interest that may influence the manuscript should be declared by the authors. Furthermore, the funding source/sources for the study should be declared by the authors at time of submission.



“Journal of Nutrition,Fasting and Health” is an e-journal and we cannot provide the authors with printed version. Therefore, in case, you can download and print the PDF version of articles.

 All Articles published in the “Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health” are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License which allows users including authors of articles to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, in addition to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, as long as the author and original source are properly cited or credited.


  Authorship Criteria:

All those who are listed as authors should meet the following authorship criteria:

1) Substantial contributions to conception and design, data acquisition, data analysis and interpretation

2) Drafting the manuscript or critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content

3) Final approval of the manuscript version to be submitted for publication 

It should be noted that parts of the research team that cooperated solely in funding acquisition, data collection, or general supervision of the research group should not be considered as authors and should be listed in an acknowledgments section. All authors should agree on the sequence of authors and the designated corresponding author for the submission prior to submitting the manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible to organize the whole manuscript based on journal requirements and to communicate with the co-authors during the peer-reviewing and proofing stages. The corresponding author acts during these stages should be on behalf of the co-authors. 


As part of our commitment to supporting authors at every step of the publishing process, JNFH requires the the first author and the corresponding author to provide an ORCID ID when submitting a manuscript. This takes around 2 minutes to complete it here:


  Review Process:

Journal editors designate at least two peer reviewers for each submitted manuscript. The journal may also consult from technical and statistical referees in terms of any concerns about submitted manuscripts, including ethical issues, and data or material access. The final decision regarding submitted manuscripts is made by the journal editor after considering confidential comments from reviewers and referee.

Decisions: Originality is considered as the most important acceptance criteria. Besides scientific validity of the manuscript, the extent and importance of the study findings in relation to the current literature, fitting the subject within the scope of the journal, and suitability of the study for the journal are among other criteria for accepting submitted manuscripts. Authors are informed regarding the editor’s decision through decision letter. Decision letters mostly, but not always, include all the mentioned criteria for manuscript evaluation. The editorial choice is made based on the holistic evaluation of the manuscript and may sometimes be incongruent with reviewer comments.


 Manuscript Type:

The Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health publishes variety of manuscripts. Authors are advised to consider the following instructions in preparing their manuscript for submission of the journal:

   Review Articles: Total word count of the manuscript from introduction to discussion should not exceed 5000 words and the entire manuscript, including figures, tables, and references, should not be more than 30 printed A4 double-spaced pages. The Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health accepts maximum 5 tables and/or figures (sum of papers and figures together should not exceed 5) and references should not exceed 60 for review articles.

  Research Papers: Total word count of the manuscript from introduction to discussion should not exceed 4000 words and the entire manuscript, including figures, tables, and references, should not be more than 25-30 printed A4 double-spaced pages. The Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health accepts maximum 4 tables and/or figures (sum of papers and figures together should not exceed 4) and references should not exceed 50 for research papers.

  Short Communications: Total word count of the manuscript from introduction to discussion should not exceed 2000 words. The Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health accepts maximum 2 tables and/or figures (sum of papers and figures together should not exceed 4) and references should not exceed 20 for short communications. Short communications should be formatted similar to original articles but the abstract should be limited to less than 150 words.

  Case Reports: Total word count of the manuscript from introduction to discussion should not exceed 1500 words. The Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health accepts maximum 2 tables and 6 and references should not exceed 15 for case reports.



  Manuscript Submission

 Online manuscript submission:

 Manuscripts should only be electronically submitted through The corresponding author will be notified regarding manuscript submission through email. The email includes manuscript number that will be used in further referencing to the manuscript.


  Preparation of Manuscript

Manuscripts are returned to the authors in case any of the following instructions are not followed by the authors.

Solid English language should be used in the entire manuscript. Manuscripts should be typewritten and in DOUBLE-SPASE format with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin. Manuscript pages should be consecutively numbers starting from the title page. Manuscripts should be organized into sections with following headings; Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, references, Figure legends, and Tables.


  Cover Letter:

Cover letter should include the following information. Certifying that all authors have fully read and agreed with the submission of the manuscript. All authors have made their contribution to ensure the integrity of the work and their scientific reputation. Declaration of potential conflicts of interest. Information about any duplication or prior publication of the work.


  Title Page:

The title page should include the following information:

  • Manuscript title (should not exceed 120 characters including spaces and should not include abbreviations)
  • Running head (should not exceed 55 characters including spaces)
  • Full author names and their highest academic degree(s)
  • Author affiliations
  • Manuscript word count (including figures and tables), number of pages, figures, and tables
  • Complete and valid mailing address and contact number (telephone and fax), and email address for the corresponding author for further contact regarding proofing and reprint requests



Only persons with substantial contribution to the study but noy fulfil the authorship criteria should be mentioned in the acknowledgements. All the acknowledged persons should be informed about their names being mentioned and authors are responsible for obtaining their permission. In case of statistical consult, if the statistician does not fulfill authorship criteria, his/her name and degree of education should be mentioned in the acknowledgements. All direct and indirect funding sources and sources for material support (constitutional, institutional, or other forms) should be mentioned ion the acknowledgements.


Abstracts should be self-explanatory and follow the Medline limitation. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. Title and scope of the manuscript, significant statistical findings, major findings and conclusions should be stated in the abstract. Abstracts should be prepared using complete sentences in the past tense and by using third person is sentences. Abstracts use standard nomenclature and should not include abbreviations and reference citations. Original papers should have structures abstracts with following sections:

Introduction: Introduction should be brief and include the aim or research question or study hypothesis that is tested in the study.

Methods: Methods should include the basic design, study duration, and statistical methods of the study.  

Results: Results should be prepared in narrative form and include the main findings of the study. Measurements and other information should be defined in the results section. Findings should be presented using statistical significance level and reporting other statistical parameters.

Conclusion(s): Conclusions that are directly derived from study findings should be stated in the conclusions section. This section should include the implications of the study findings.

Keywords: Abstracts should be immediately followed by 3 to 6 keywords based on the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list. Keywords should not be duplicated title words. Keywords should be chosen from the text and sorted alphabetically.


  Structure of Text: 

Introduction: Should include study context.

  Materials and Methods: Should include detained information so that the reader could reproduce the study. Authors should cite the original manuscript in case the study methodology was previously published and only indicate modifications they made in the study methodology. Ethical approval should be mentioned in the Materials and Methods section.

 Results: The findings of the study should be clearly and concisely stated. Reported results in text should not be repeated in tables and vice versa. 

 Discussion: Discussions should be prepared in relation to the study findings using current literature. It is also appropriate if authors combine the results and discussion. Discussions should be kept brief with the minimum possible citations.

 Conclusion: Should include the summary of the study findings.

 Declarations: At the end of the manuscript the Acknowledgements, Conflicts of Interest, Funding sources, Ethical Considerations and code, and Authors' Contributions, should be declare.

Acknowledgements:  Acknowledgments should come immediately after the main text. Person acknowledgement, funding source, sponsorship or grants should be mentioned in the acknowledgements section.

Conflicts of Interest: It is authors responsibility to acknowledge and declare any funding sources and potential conflicts of interest, including receiving funds and fees through holding stocks and shares in an organization, to which manuscript publication might be beneficial. It should be noted that manuscripts with competing of interests will not be atomically rejected and declaring these issues are only required for the journal to be aware of the situation.

Funding Sources: The provided financial support for the execution of the research and/or preparation of the article should be declared

Code of Ethics: Please include the name of the Committee for Ethics in Biomedical Research and approved code in the manuscript acknowledgment (eg. Iran National Committee for Ethics in Biomedical Research).

Authors' Contributions: Contributions from anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed, with permission from the contributor, in an Acknowledgments section (for example, to recognize contributions from people who provided technical help, collation of data, writing assistance, acquisition of funding, or a department chairperson who provided general support).


References should be consecutively numbered in tests in order of first appearance. Reference numbers should be in square brackets. All cited references in the manuscript text should appear in the end of the manuscript in a separate page. Conversely all references presented in the reference list should be cited in manuscript text. References should be formatted using the Vancouver style. In the reference list, the first 6 authors should be cited and for references with more than 6 authors, the first 6 authors should be cited followed by et al. The page range should be cited for references of more than one page.

Periodicals should be cited with the following format:  authors' name and initials, article title, abbreviated journal title (based on Index Medicus), publication year, first and last pages of the article.

Books with one author should be referenced as follows: author, initials, book title, series title, volume number (if applicable), publisher, city, and year.

Same referencing style should be used for monograph and multi-author books as well as proceedings printed in book form.

Examples of referencing are presented below:

1. Norouzy  A, Hashemi P, Amiri A, Salehi M, Deldar K, Fakhar Y, et al. Adult malnutrition screening, prevalence in four Iranian hospitals: Cross-sectional study. Med j nut met 2012;5(1):45-48.

Article in Book:
2. Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-78.

3. Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.

Editor as an author:
4. Martin JB, Kasper DL, et al, editors. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine. 14th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 1998.

Institution as an author:
5. Institute of Medicine (US). Looking at the future of the Medicaid program. Washington: The Institute; 1992.

6. Epi Info [computer program]. Version 6. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1994

Online journals:
7. Friedman SA. Preeclampsia: a review of the role of prostaglandins. Obstet Gynecol [serial online]. January 1988;71:22-37. Available from: BRS Information Technologies, McLean, VA. Accessed December 15, 1990

8. CANCERNET-PDQ [database online]. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; 1996. Updated March 29, 1996

World Wide Web:
9. Gostin LO. Drug use and HIV/AIDS [JAMA HIV/AIDS web site]. June 1, 1996. Available at: Accessed June 26, 1997

Authors should ensure the accuracy, relevance, and completeness of the references. Referencing to articles in press should be made by mentioning the journal name. Unpublished works, including written personal communications, should be cited in text within parentheses along with the names and initials of the investigators.


Figure legends: All figures should have a figure legend. Figure legends should be prepared to be brief and should not be duplicates of manuscript text. Figures should have a title and an explanatory legend. The explanatory legend should encompass the titles and figure title should not appear in the figure itself. Figure legends should be placed in a separate page after references at the end of the manuscript. The number of the figure to which the figure legend is attributed should be presented at the beginning of the figure legend. Figure legend should explain symbols, abbreviations and statistical information used in the figure. Electron micrographs should be accompanied with scale markers with the type of staining indicated in figure legend.

Figures and other graphical material: All common file formats are accepted for figures and graphical materials, including TIFF, GIF, JPG, and BMP. The resolution and quality of the figures should be appropriate.

The accepted resolution for line art and electronic photographs is 1200 dots per inch (dpi). The acceptable resolution for computed tomography (CT) scans, other radiographs, and scanned images is 300 dpi. In case the artwork includes text, the fonts should be converted to paths or outlines embedded in the file. Color images should be created/scanned, saved and submitted as CMYK files. Electronic art should accompany high-resolution laser print images submitted on 3-inch high-density disk, CD-ROM, or Iomega ZIP disk.   


Tables should be consecutively cited and numbered in text. Each table should be prepared on a separate page and should be accompanied with a title, appropriate column heads, and legends. Definition of the abbreviations in the table should be explained in the table legend. Tables should not be placed in the manuscript text body. Tables should be self-explanatory and should not be a duplicate of manuscript text.

*For short communication, follow the instructions for original articles, except that the total word number of the main text (excluding references, tables and figure legends) is limited to 2000 with no more than 2 figures and/or tables and no more than 15 references. An abstract, not exceeding 150 words, should be presented at the beginning of the article.


  After Acceptance

Page proofs and corrections: After acceptance electronic page proofs as portable document format (pdf) files are emailed to the corresponding author to check the copyediting and typeset of the manuscript. Traditional page proofs will be sent to authors who do not provide email address. Changes made to the manuscript in order to conform with the journal style are acceptable unless the meaning of the phrases are not changed. However, stylistic changes and reworking previously published works are not allowed. The publisher is lawful to reject changes in the manuscript that do not affect the accuracy of the content after acceptance of the manuscript. Journal might decide to charge authors if they make alterations in the manuscript beyond the required changes (error correction and answering queries). Authors should check the proofs carefully and make the required changes and email the corrected proof to the journal within 24 to 48 hours of receipt.


  Retraction Policy

The Journal of Nutrition Fasting and Heath is a member of COPE and thus follows the COPE retraction guidelines ( Some retraction criteria include; clear evidence of unreliable findings of the study (misconduct, or honest error on the part of the author), redundant publication of the findings, plagiarized manuscript, and breaching ethical guidelines in the conduct of the study. The chief editor will cooperate with the authors to draft retraction notice and clarifying the reasons for retraction.